Monthly Archives: October 2015

Oct 29, 2015

Champion Home Health Care is Here to Help

2015-10-29T16:59:38-04:00October 29th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Champion Home Health Care provides Brevard County residents with skilled Home Care, by managing a private Duty Nurse Registry of trained caregivers. Imagine:  Not feeling overwhelmed about your loved ones care. Knowing your loved one is being looked after by compassionate and well qualified caregivers. Having the help you need to keep your loved one safe, happy, [...]

Oct 20, 2015

Fighting Alzheimer’s

2015-10-20T20:14:01-04:00October 20th, 2015|Aging Seniors, Alzheimer's|

written by Sandee LaMotte and Stephanie Smith Tallahassee, Florida (CNN) - Sandy Halperin closes his eyes. His expression is pensive, his mouth slightly upturned. Memories, like glints of light, dance inside his mind -- a kind of neural film strip. It is 1962. He is in a small neighborhood pharmacy in Springfield, Massachusetts. His father, the pharmacist, [...]

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