Monthly Archives: September 2017

Sep 21, 2017

Demystifying Home Health Care

2017-09-21T09:42:48-04:00September 21st, 2017|Home Health Care|

Are you currently responsible for the care of an elderly family member wondering how to incorporate an in-home health care service? Are you struggling to give all the time and energy necessary to care for an older adult, or would someone you love only enjoys some social time with a qualified caretaker? If you are wrestling with [...]

Sep 7, 2017

Tech Savvy Tips for Seniors

2017-09-07T08:14:56-04:00September 7th, 2017|Assisted Living, Elderly Senior Care|

Today’s seniors are more tech savvy than ever. The need for communication and the swift changes that have occurred in the technology sector in the last decade alone have necessitated a need for devices like smart phones, personal home computers, and more. Although seniors are not as into technology as their younger counterparts, recent data from The [...]

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