August 19, 1988 was a significant day in our nation’s history, a day that many are not even aware exists. On this day, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the necessity for an official day celebrating the seniors here in our country. Proclamation 5847 declared August 21 as National Senior Citizen Day. In an eloquent statement, President Reagan formally recognized the tremendous influence that those over a certain age have. Their presence has laid the foundation for all that America has to be grateful for and made this a truly unique and incredible place to live. Just as they made their impact on society as a younger generation, seniors, now living longer and fuller lives, are continuing to be productive leaders embarking on second careers and continuing to contribute in meaningful ways. Age is but a mere number and in a show of immense gratitude, we celebrate seniors on August 21.

Do you have a senior in your life who has made all the difference? Many of us have been richly rewarded by relationships both familial and platonic with those of a certain age. Our parents and grandparents, business partners, friends, and so much more are included in this age bracket and now is a great time to invest a little deeper in who they are. Champion Home Health Care has the privilege of working with seniors to keep them at home longer. Our team of professional home health aides and nursing staff makes it easy for the senior you love to continue to live out their lives in the safety and comfort of their own home. We know just how valuable this population is and want to celebrate them alongside you.

For those of you looking for ideas on how to observe National Senior Citizen Day, here are some great ideas.


Who doesn’t love a great story? Chances are the senior you care for has a few great stories up their sleeve. Take some time to sit down and simply listen to what they have to say. Ask about their past. Who made an impact on their life? What do they feel passionate about? Listening is a powerful tool that shows others you care about them. It is an easy way to communicate love and respect and costs you absolutely nothing. What you gain, however, can be invaluable.


Seniors are knowing for continually giving back to their communities. August 21st is a great day to follow suit and volunteer at a senior community center, nursing home, or senior event. A quick internet search should yield a wealth of opportunities for you to give back. Follow the lead of those who came before you and give of your time in appreciation for all they have done for you.

Reach Out

Sometimes distance and time do not allow for a long conversation, however, you can send a note of thanks – via the mail or email – to seniors you adore. Affirming those you love is always a great move and now is the perfect time to tell them why you care for them.