Sometimes it is hard to consider the fact that our parents are aging. If you do not live close by or you have relocated to another state, perhaps you are growing concerned about their welfare or ability to stay living independently at home, especially if a spouse is deceased. A phone call may put you temporarily at ease, but it is normal to question what is best for your senior loved one. It is equally confusing because instead of your parents being “parental,” you are experiencing a shift in dynamics where the child now must assume the role of guardian or caregiver. If you are home for the holidays and realize your parents could benefit from home health care services in Brevard County, Florida area, contact Champion Home Health Care in Melbourne at 321-608-3838. We provide services geared toward helping seniors spend their days at home in familiar surrounding where they are safe, comfortable, and happiest.
When you are visiting for the holidays, it may be a good time to make some observations or take note of any red flags. If you have been growing more concerned about your aging parents and their ability to remain comfortably and safely at home while maintaining their house, bills, medications, and driving, take time during your visit to observe. Aging and independence are sensitive topics for discussion. It is often hard for seniors to give up their independence and to accept care. At Champion Home Health Care, we can provide minor assistance with daily activities and increased services as needed or desired by the family. We understand the difficulties associated with the realization that your senior loved ones may need assistance, but we can work to match your family member with just the right caregiver giving you peace of mind that they are well tended to and well taken care of while remaining in their home.
As mentioned, there are definitely some red flags or signs to take into consideration when evaluating whether or not your senior family members could benefit from home health care services provided by Champion Home Health Care. Here is a list of things to look for when assessing if extra care is needed in the home:
- Mood swings or change in personality / disposition
- Unkempt appearance / infrequent bathing or showering / body odor / smell of urine
- Confusion, uncertainty, or forgetfulness
- Mailed piled up, unpaid bills, calls from creditors
- Balance, walking, mobility difficulties
- Difficulty standing from seated positon
- Loss of interest in activities, hobbies, or socialization
- Dents or scratches on car
- Household chores and / or yard not maintained
- Weight loss / poor diet
- Spoiled food in refrigerator
- Appointments being missed
- Unexplained bruising
- Medication being mismanaged
Enjoy your holidays visits with your family, but if you have been feeling uneasy or concerned, use this time to make some observations concerning your senior loved ones. If you find the need is present for the addition of some home health care services, contact us to put your mind at ease. Merry Christmas and happy holidays from our staff at Champion Home Health Care!