Champion Home Health Care for Brevard County, which aims to provide caring, expert senior home care in Melbourne, seeks to explain a common term related to caregiving below.
The “sandwich generation” refers to an adult caregiver who is “sandwiched” between caring for their older parents and their own children.
Life expectancy rates are increasing due to the better healthcare services available, as well as thanks to people living healthier, more active lives. This larger amount of older adults has therefore created a necessity for more caregivers. Also, many couples are waiting longer to have kids (many are waiting until their 30s), so as these couples’ parents grow older, they also have young kids to raise at the same time.
Many adults in their 40s and 50s have both a parent older than 65 and a young child they are raising. It is usually married adults who are likely to be sandwiched between caring for parents and their children, compared to unmarried adults. Most family caregivers are women, although there are now more men as society continues to evolve.
Unfortunately, these family caregivers often feel high levels of stress, pressure, and feeling rushed to get tasks done. They feel strained financially and/or career-wise, and many debate leaving the workforce to focus on caregiving. It’s easy to see how these caregivers can quickly become overwhelmed from their responsibilities, so we at Champion urge you to consider letting us provide expert assistance.
If you live in a multigenerational household, remember the perks: for example, having both young kids and aging parents together can bring closer relationships among the family. Children get to know their grandparents on a deeper level, etc. Members of the sandwich generation need to remember to take care of their own health. The less stressed and healthier you are, the better caregiver, parent, and child you’ll be. Seek help from qualified experts like Champion, and general support from friends and family, when needed.
For your senior loved one in need of nursing care and other home care services, Champion Home Health Care is here to help! Contact us today.