At Champion Home Health Care, we are advocates for allowing the elderly to remain in their homes for as long as possible, and the services we provide facilitate this option. Societally, many people tend to default to placing our elderly or convalescing in assisted living facilities or skilled nursing facilities, but where is the first place you want to be when you are sick? Home! Positive associations are always connected with home such as the feelings of familiarity, independence, security, freedom, comfort and safety. The full spectrum of senior home health care services provided by our skilled caregivers gives you and your senior loved one flexible options. Our home health care services range from companionship to post-operative care, and even 24-hour skilled nursing care all within the home setting! By keeping your loved one at home, Champion Home Health Care focuses on quality care giving, customized care plans, treating our patients with dignity, and maintaining safety and flexibility.
How does this information correlate with hurricane season? At Champion Home Health Care, we are dedicated to keeping seniors happy, healthy, and SAFE at home. So while we do like to remind you of the variety of diverse services we offer, we also like to share information to help keep our clients protected and informed. Although hurricane season started in June, it doesn’t officially wrap up until the end of November. With the current activity in the gulf and Atlantic Ocean, this is a good time to review hurricane safety and preparedness. Although hurricanes are notorious for heavy rains, extreme winds, fast rain fall rate, and storm surges, we typically have at least a few days’ notice to prepare.
Here are some things to consider when preparing:
- Are medications stocked / prescriptions filled?
- Do you have an evacuation plan?
- Have you located the closest emergency shelters?
- Do your emergency supplies include powerless cooking devices, flashlights and batteries?
- Have you stocked enough water and non-perishable food for each person within the home for at least a week?
- Is your house and yard properly secured to withstand extreme wind and rains?
Hurricane preparedness resources for families and seniors:
- Brevard County Emergency Management Shelters
- Red Cross Prepare for Seniors
- General Preparedness for Seniors
- Evacuating Yourself and Family
- Red Cross Disaster Preparedness for Seniors
We hope this information is helpful to you and your senior loved ones. We have been serving Melbourne, Palm Bay, Viera and surrounding cities for years. If you are in Brevard County, Florida and are in need of senior home health care, let Champion Home Health Care assist you and your family. During hurricane season we can help your senior family member at home or at a shelter. Let us assist you in caring for your elderly loved one during stormy weather and when skies are blue… we are here for you!