Senior Living

Apr 11, 2024

The Savvy Senior’s Strategy for Aging at Home

2024-04-11T13:33:30-04:00April 11th, 2024|Aging Seniors, Blog, Health Care, Home Care Assistance, Home Health Care|

Most seniors want to age at home. Forbes Health states that 92% of older adults want to stay at home. Through thoughtful planning, discussions with family, and active research into available resources, aging in place at home can be an attainable option. Is there a formula to successfully age in place? For those who want to stay [...]

Mar 7, 2024

Respite Care: You Deserve a Break

2024-03-07T09:46:07-05:00March 7th, 2024|Aging Seniors, Alzheimer's, Assisted Living, Caregivers, Dementia, Elderly Senior Care, Family, Health Care, Home Health Care, Senior Health Care|

Have you ever met a primary caregiver who could use a break? Or rather, have you ever met one who didn’t need some time away? A respite from day-to-day responsibilities, particularly when caring for an aging parent or disabled spouse, can feel like an unrealistic option for a primary caregiver. For example, the unique situation of a spousal caregiver [...]

Mar 1, 2024

Aging Parents: How to Talk About Help in the Home

2024-03-01T12:26:45-05:00March 1st, 2024|Aging Seniors, Alzheimer's, Assisted Living, Blog, Caregivers, Dementia, Elderly Senior Care, Family, Health, Health Care, Holidays, Home Care Assistance, Home Health Care, Love, Senior Health Care, Senior Living, Snow Birds, Veterans|

It can be a challenge to take care of aging parents. Many times, they want to remain independent and refuse additional help. How do you get an aging parent to accept that a little extra help around the home would make everyone’s life easier? Depending on your relationship with your parents, convincing an older person they need [...]

Feb 14, 2019

How to Show Love to Seniors

2019-02-14T07:26:23-05:00February 14th, 2019|Senior Living|

Have you ever stopped to think about the specific things that make you feel loved and cared for? Is it when you feel heard by another individual? Is it when someone stops to ask how you are, really? How is it with your soul? Do you feel loved when another person goes out of their way to [...]

Dec 14, 2018

Exercise is Key for Health in Seniors

2018-12-14T12:24:12-05:00December 14th, 2018|Elderly Senior Care, Health|

Attaining fitness is not a one-time event; the road to fitness is a lifelong journey. It turns out that not exercising is considered more harmful to your health diabetes, smoking, and heart disease! This new data comes from a longitudinal study of more than 120,000 individuals from 1991 to 2014. What makes it so unique is that [...]

Nov 16, 2018

Protect Seniors and Get Your Flu Shot

2018-11-16T07:02:44-05:00November 16th, 2018|News|

Flu season is officially upon us and if last year was any indication we are could be in for a devastating year. The 2017-2018 flu season was one of the worst seasons on record. It was even designated “high severity” amongst all age groups. According to the Centers for Disease Control, influenza-like-illness, referred to as ILI, began [...]

Nov 9, 2018

What Type of Home Health Care Do You Really Need?

2018-11-09T07:11:47-05:00November 9th, 2018|Home Care Assistance, Senior Health Care|

People are living much longer and utilizing Medicare more than ever before. Home Health Care News reports a study recently put out by Excel Health showing more than 1.2 million Americans enrolled in Medicare from the first quarter of 2017 through the end of the first quarter of 2018. This increase in enrollment is especially highlighted by [...]

Nov 1, 2018

Alzheimer’s Awareness in Brevard County

2018-11-01T08:20:45-04:00November 1st, 2018|Alzheimer's|

Worldwide, it is estimated that approximately 50 million people of all ages suffer from Alzheimer’s, a debilitating brain disease. If trends continue, this number will skyrocket to 75 million by the year 2040. Alzheimer’s disease is the most widespread form of dementia and every 3 seconds, someone is faced with a diagnosis. As the sixth leading cause [...]

Oct 11, 2018

Simple Actions to Prevent a Heart-Related Event

2018-10-11T08:52:49-04:00October 11th, 2018|Aging Seniors, Home Health Care, Senior Health Care|

If you had the opportunity to prevent a life-threatening illness, would you do it? If you knew the steps to take, simple yet powerful steps, to ensure longevity and heart health, would you make it a priority? New numbers just put out by the Centers for Disease Control regarding heart disease and stroke have shed light upon [...]

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