Monthly Archives: August 2017

Aug 24, 2017

Reasons Behind Memory Loss

2017-08-24T09:53:04-04:00August 24th, 2017|Dementia, Home Health Care|

It is rather common to walk into a room and completely forget about why you headed there in the first place. Have you ever struggled to remember where you placed your glasses only to realize they are sitting atop your head? Lost keys and misplaced cell phones happen all the time. It is a normal thing to [...]

Aug 17, 2017

Celebrating Seniors

2017-08-17T07:44:21-04:00August 17th, 2017|Elderly Senior Care|

August 19, 1988 was a significant day in our nation’s history, a day that many are not even aware exists. On this day, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the necessity for an official day celebrating the seniors here in our country. Proclamation 5847 declared August 21 as National Senior Citizen Day. In an eloquent statement, President Reagan formally [...]

Aug 9, 2017

Staying Sane at the Doctor’s Office

2017-08-09T10:25:02-04:00August 9th, 2017|Elderly Senior Care|

Health care certainly has changed over the years. Gone are the days of home visits. Nowadays, there are specialists for every condition, and while this is a great thing it can make doctor visits complex. In past years simple blood work and x-rays could be taken care of in-house rather than at a lab in a different [...]

Aug 3, 2017

How to Create a Personal Health Record

2017-08-03T08:30:23-04:00August 3rd, 2017|Aging Seniors, Elderly Senior Care|

Champion Home Health Care recently discussed the importance of having a PHR, personal health record. This is a collection of your personal health history including doctor visits, medications, blood work, procedures, etc. Having all of this information in one place helps you stay an informed consumer and allows you to make the best decisions regarding your health. [...]

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