Senior Health Care

Sep 30, 2019

Creating a Home that is Safe for Your Senior Loved One

2019-09-30T15:58:32-04:00September 30th, 2019|Elderly Senior Care|

No one likes the thought of their aging loved one going to a nursing home, but it is something that is going to need to be discussed. Before making that choice, you should know there are more options out there for seniors, such as home health care, for you to consider. Not only does this mean that your loved [...]

May 17, 2018

The Healing Power of Pets

2018-05-17T09:28:53-04:00May 17th, 2018|Senior Health Care|

Loneliness, there is nothing heartbreaking than loneliness. Many senior citizens face this as their years go on. They usually go from a busy house with a loud family, but slowly those sounds begin to fade. Many people find this silence or lack of surrounding activity difficult. This is where having a pet in the home may just [...]

Feb 22, 2018

Is This a Heart Attack?

2018-02-22T13:25:33-05:00February 22nd, 2018|Elderly Senior Care|

Something is off, you feel it. You just cannot put your finger on why you do not feel well. Maybe it was the spicy food from last night? Perhaps you are stressed about an upcoming event. Maybe the pressure in your chest will pass. Why the sweating? Why the feelings of nausea? Should you call for help [...]

Feb 15, 2018

Flu Season Tips for Seniors

2018-02-15T08:59:00-05:00February 15th, 2018|Health|

Flu season is officially here and it is most likely going to be one of the worst ones we have seen in years. Thus far, statistics show that the rates of infection this season, 2017-2018, are the highest we have seen since 2009 when Swine Flu had become a pandemic. Another troubling stat is that we are [...]

Nov 30, 2017

Seniors and Diabetes Prevention

2017-11-30T08:01:22-05:00November 30th, 2017|Uncategorized|

November is National Diabetes Month and here at Champion Home Health Care, we want to share this valuable information with all of the seniors and caregivers that we know. Diabetes affects over 30 million Americans. According to the American Diabetes Association, almost twenty-six percent of those over the age of 65 have already been diagnosed with this [...]

Nov 16, 2017

The Benefits of Gardening for Seniors

2017-11-16T11:44:00-05:00November 16th, 2017|Elderly Senior Care|

It is no secret that many seniors enjoy time in their gardens. From luscious indigenous foliage beds to colorful annuals and perennials or vegetable patches, gardening is something that brings a wealth of happiness and joy to baby boomers and beyond. A meta-analysis conducted by Preventative Medicine Reports found that gardening provides many benefits. This study analyzed [...]

May 12, 2016

Key Nutrients for Eye Health in Seniors

2016-05-12T08:53:10-04:00May 12th, 2016|Health Care, Senior Living|

Champion Home Health Care, dedicated to providing expert home health care in Brevard County, FL, recommends the following foods that will help boost eye health. Seniors suffering from conditions such as glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and cataracts will benefit from these food that contain Vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, and zeaxanthin. Greens [...]

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